
Corporate Profile

As of Apr, 2024

Name Seiyu Audit Corporation
Established June 1, 1983
Equity Fund JPY 27,000,000
Executive Senior Partner Yusuke Nakano
Services Auditing services (Statutory, Voluntary, Non-profit)
Advisory services (IPO, M&A, Valuation, Turn around)
Partners & Staffs Partners 15
CPAs 10
Junior Accountants 6
Others 3
Total 34
Clients for Audit services Financial Instruments & Exchange Law 7
Corporate Law 14
Educational 9
Other Statutory 29
Other Voluntary 17
Total 76


Kyoto head office
WEST18 Bldg Karasuma-Rokkaku Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto, 604-8134, Japan
PHONE +81 75-213-7090 FAX +81 75-212-2809
Tokyo office
Kasumigaseki-Tokyu Bldg 3-7-1 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0013, Japan
PHONE +81 3-3580-3621 FAX +81 3-3580-3622
Osaka office
MIT exceed Bldg 1-6-5 Kyutaromachi Chuo-ku, Osaka, 541-0056, Japan
PHONE +81 6-6267-2780 FAX +81 6-6267-2781

Global Association

Disclaimer: MGI Association, is a leading international association of separate and independent accounting, legal and consulting firms that are licensed to use “a member of the MGI Association” in connection with the provision of professional services to their clients. MGI Association is the brand name referring to the group of members of MGI Ltd., a company limited by guarantee and registered in the Isle of Man with registration number 013238V, who choose not to associate as a network under IESBA and EU rules. Members of the MGI Association are not members of the MGI Worldwide network and may not use the MGI Worldwide brand and are not subject to MGI Worldwide quality assurance review. The MGI Association itself is a non-practising entity and does not provide professional services to clients. Services are provided by the member firms of the MGI Association. The MGI Association and its member firms are not agents of, and do not obligate, one another and are not liable for one another’s acts or omissions.